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About Us

Who is Triple Media and why to work with us

Reliability, expertise, individuality, flexibility and customer proximity are at the center of our daily work.

Triple Media offers its customers comprehensive and professional advice throughout the service sector. Thanks to many years of profound professional
experience, we are in a position to render our services efficiently and qualitatively at a high level.

As an independent and young trust company, we offer our target customers a professionally sound, progressive and friendly support with optimal price and performance ratios. As a trusted partner, our advice is geared to the individual needs of our customers; with the objective to provide our customers with an optimal consulting service. 

We ask about our client’s goals and help evaluate them. We analyze each client’s financial profile, lifestyle objectives and attitude toward risk, and then develop a suitable wealth management plan.

Meet the Team

Experienced People helping to grow your business

Richard Lakomy

Barbara Orlicka

Office CH

Triple Media GmbH
Moosblick 6 
6212 Kaltbach

© Copyright 2022 Triple Media GmbH - created by Kybernetik Services GmbH